Model Composition

A main goal of the EarthSciMLBase package is to allow model components to be created independently and composed together. We achieve this by creating coupletypes that allow us to use multiple dispatch on the EarthSciMLBase.couple2 function to specify how particular systems should be coupled together.

To demonstrate how this works, below we define three model components, Photolysis, Chemistry, and Emissions, which represent different processes in the atmosphere.

using ModelingToolkit, Catalyst, EarthSciMLBase
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits
t = t_nounits

struct PhotolysisCoupler sys end
function Photolysis(; name=:Photolysis)
    @variables j_NO2(t)
    eqs = [
        j_NO2 ~ max(sin(t/86400),0)
    ODESystem(eqs, t, [j_NO2], [], name=name,


\[ \begin{align} j\_NO2\left( t \right) &= max\left( \sin\left( \frac{1}{86400} t \right), 0 \right) \end{align} \]

You can see that the system defined above is mostly a standard ModelingToolkit ODE system, except for two things:

The first unique part is that we define a PhotolysisCoupler type:

struct PhotolysisCoupler sys end

It is important that this type is a struct, and that the struct has a single field named sys. When defining your own coupled systems, you can just copy the line of code above but change the name of the type (i.e., change it to something besides PhotolysisCoupler).

The second unique part is that we define some metadata for our ODESystem to tell it what coupling type to use:


Again, when making your own components, just copy the code above but change PhotolysisCoupler to something else.

Let's follow the same process for some additional components:

struct ChemistryCoupler sys end
function Chemistry(; name=:Chemistry)
    @parameters jNO2
    @species NO2(t)
    rxs = [
        Reaction(jNO2, [NO2], [], [1], [])
    rsys = ReactionSystem(rxs, t, [NO2], [jNO2];
        combinatoric_ratelaws=false, name=name)
    convert(ODESystem, complete(rsys), metadata=Dict(:coupletype=>ChemistryCoupler))


\[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} NO2\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= - jNO2 NO2\left( t \right) \end{align} \]

For our chemistry component above, because it's is originally a ReactionSystem instead of an ODESystem, we convert it to an ODESystem before adding the metadata.

struct EmissionsCoupler sys end
function Emissions(; name=:Emissions)
    @parameters emis = 1
    @variables NO2(t)
    eqs = [NO2 ~ emis]
    ODESystem(eqs, t; name=name,


\[ \begin{align} NO2\left( t \right) &= emis \end{align} \]

Now, we need to define ways to couple the model components together. We can do this by defining a coupling function (as a method of EarthSciMLBase.couple2) for each pair of model components that we want to couple. Each coupling function should have the signature EarthSciMLBase.couple2(a::ACoupler, b::BCoupler)::ConnectorSystem, and should assume that the two ODESystems are inside their respective couplers in the sys field. It should make any edits to the components as needed and return a ConnectorSystem which defines the relationship between the two components.

The code below defines a method for coupling the Chemistry and Photolysis components. First, it uses the param_to_var function to convert the photolysis rate parameter jNO2 from the Chemistry component to a variable, then it creates a new Chemistry component with the updated photolysis rate, and finally, it creates a ConnectorSystem object that sets the j_NO2 variable from the Photolysis component equal to the jNO2 variable from the Chemistry component. The next effect is that the photolysis rate in the Chemistry component is now controlled by the Photolysis component.

function EarthSciMLBase.couple2(c::ChemistryCoupler, p::PhotolysisCoupler)
    c, p = c.sys, p.sys
    c = param_to_var(convert(ODESystem, c), :jNO2)
    ConnectorSystem([c.jNO2 ~ p.j_NO2], c, p)

Next, we define a method for coupling the Chemistry and Emissions components. To do this we use the operator_compose function to add the NO2 species from the Emissions component to the time derivative of NO2 in the Chemistry component.

function EarthSciMLBase.couple2(c::ChemistryCoupler, emis::EmissionsCoupler)
    c, emis = c.sys, emis.sys
    operator_compose(convert(ODESystem, c), emis, Dict(
        c.NO2 => emis.NO2,

Finally, we can compose the model components together to create our complete model. To do so, we just initialize each model component and add the components together using the couple function. We can use the convert function to convert the composed model to a ModelingToolkit ODESystem so we can see what the combined equations look like.

model = couple(Photolysis(), Chemistry(), Emissions())
convert(ODESystem, model)

\[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} Chemistry.NO2\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= Chemistry.Emissions\_NO2\left( t \right) - Chemistry.jNO2\left( t \right) Chemistry.NO2\left( t \right) \\ Chemistry.jNO2\left( t \right) &= Photolysis.j\_NO2\left( t \right) \\ Chemistry.Emissions\_NO2\left( t \right) &= Emissions.NO2\left( t \right) \\ Photolysis.j\_NO2\left( t \right) &= max\left( \sin\left( \frac{1}{86400} t \right), 0 \right) \\ Emissions.NO2\left( t \right) &= Emissions.emis \end{align} \]

Finally, we can use the graph function to visualize the model components and their connections.

using MetaGraphsNext
using CairoMakie, GraphMakie

g = graph(model)

f, ax, p = graphplot(g; ilabels=labels(g))
hidedecorations!(ax); hidespines!(ax); ax.aspect = DataAspect()

Example block output